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Welcome to the Eco Spark Pro Blog

We are a cleaning and disinfecting company. From the moment your door is opened, we make every effort to provide services at the highest level, paying particular attention to ecology. Modern technologies used in our cleaners and cleaning devices are based on the use of active nano-silver particles. Nano-silver is a substance with a wide range of uses, it has antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties. It is perfect for cleaning and disinfecting surfaces and clothes.

We live in harmony with nature

HEALTH PROTECTION AND PREVENTION - Chemical cleaning agents whose primary task is to protect health by removing dirt, dust and pathogenic microorganisms from the environment, often do more damage than dirt itself. Eco Spark works with only pure water, which is the basis of the human body, it is completely natural and is in no way harmful to health. The human body is attacked continuously by various bacteria, viruses and fungi. All these harmful effects can be successfully compensated by the presence of silver nanoparticles, which greatly increase the protective effectiveness of the immune barrier of the human body.

ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION - Paradoxically, the biggest polluters of the natural environment are not large factories and industry, but households and people's everyday lives. Eco Spark is a unique way to avoid dumping huge amounts of chemicals we clean our households into streams, rivers, seas and oceans. By protecting our planet, we protect ourselves first and foremost.

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